CAPE’s Health Services Initiative focuses on “eliminating health disparities” and enhancing quality of life through education, advocacy, and quality health care services.
Sabrina Cawthorne
Director of Health Services
401 SE 6th Street, Suite 001
Evansville, IN 47713
Phone: (812) 492-3938
Fax: (812) 425-4255
Advocated for Key Challenges
We communicate by appearance, by actions, and by policies, flowing in all directions… upward, downward and laterally for the Health Services Initiative’s continued success in “eliminating health disparities”.
Sherolyn Brooks-Jordan, Board President
Gary Roan, CEO
Funding Source: Indiana Minority Health Coalition
Brief History
CAPE’s Health Services Initiative falls under the auspices of the Community Action Program of Evansville, a 501 c3 non-profit organization, and the Indiana Minority Health Coalition, a state-wide non-profit organization.
Founded in 1987, local minority health coalitions, with the assistance of the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus, met and developed the first 5-year Minority Health Strategic Plan for Indiana.

Prostate Cancer Awareness
Collaboration & Partnerships
Alzheimer’s Association
Black Nurses of Evansville & Tri-State Advocates
Cancer Pathways
CAPE Foster Grandparents Program
CAPE Head Start
Carriage House Apartments
Carver Community Organization
Catholic Charities
Chemo Buddies
Christian Life Center
Deaconess Hospital Breast Center
Deaconess Memorial Health Clinic
ECHO Community Health Care
Evansville Commission on the Social Status of Black Males
Evansville Housing Authority / Advantix Corporation
Evansville Susan G. Komen Foundation
Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation / AHATC
Familia Dental
Haitian Center of Evansville
Indiana Black Expo Evansville Chapter
Ivy Tech Community College
IU School of Medicine – Evansville
Latino Collaboration Table
Memorial Baptist Church / Memorial CDC
MDwise Inc
Migrant Education Program
Salvation Army
Smoke Free Communities
Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare
USI School of Nursing
Vanderburgh County Health Department / Pre To 3 Program
YouthBuild Evansville
Target Health Disparities
Heart Disease
Infant Mortality
Maternal Mortality
Mental Health
CAPE’s HSI Advisory Group
Lisa Allen
TaWanna Copeland
Wallace Corbett
Rev. Floyd Edwards
April Goebel
Tony Kirkland
Janice Lewis
Arlinda Payne
Lakeisha Roach
Adriana Toribio