Does your home need to be weatherized?  Are you looking for a long-term solution to high energy bills?  Do you want a more energy-efficient home?

We have the program for you!

The Indiana Weatherization Assistance Program provides energy conservation measures and education to low-income Hoosiers every day.

Getting Started

If you are interested in having your home weatherized, you must first contact your local Community Action Agency to enroll.

Eligibility for the program is based on household income and the condition of your home.

To meet income guidelines, you can make up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, or up to $51,500 for a family of 4.

Weatherization Process

Because the demand for these services routinely exceeds available funds, you can expect to be placed on a waiting list.

Once your home comes up on the wait list, you will be contacted and a state-trained energy auditor will be sent to your home to perform a comprehensive energy audit.

The audit may consist of:

  • Lead base paint test (if the home was built prior to 1978)
  • Assessment of heating and cooling systems
  • Assessment of air exchange systems
  • Determination of proper insulation in attics and walls

Health and Safety

Because the Health & Safety of all who enter your home is a priority, there are some things you should do to prepare.

  • Take care of any water leaks or mold issues
  • Make sure your home is free of bug and pest infestations
  • Clear areas around heating and cooling systems and hot water heater to ensure they are accessible

The Results

The results of the audit are unique to your home and determine which energy efficiency upgrades will maximize energy savings for you.

Upon completion of the audit, state-trained contractors will install the energy efficiency upgrades prescribed by the auditor.

A final audit will be conducted at the completion of the installation work to ensure the energy efficiency measures installed are operating in such a way to maximize energy savings.

Because the work completed on your home is funded through the federal government, all audits and energy efficiency upgrades are installed at no cost to you.

After the final audit has been completed and approved by you, you will be responsible for maintenance of the home and all measures installed.

What to expect:

  • You can expect to be treated in a courteous manner as the workers enter your home
  • You can expect the workers to clean up their workspace at the end of each day
  • Above all, you can expect lower utility bills!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I qualify if I rent?

Yes. Rental units qualify. (Landlord contribution may be required.)

No. All energy efficiency upgrades are installed at no cost to you.

No. We will not replace windows.

No. Some Health and Safety issues could cause you to be deferred until corrected.

Yes. Utility service must be on during the initial audit, during the work process and the final inspection.