Acquisition (Purchase) Rehab Resale (ARR or PRR)
Assists customers who purchased these homes by agency as a first time homebuyer using ARR (PRR) funds.
Down Payment Assistance Program
This program is intended to increase the percentage of home ownership among low to moderate income families. Through this program, participants are eligible to receive up to $5,000 towards the payment and closing costs of a home.
Emergency Need Pantry
The Emergency Need Pantry provides non-perishable staple food items for families in need. Diapers and formula are also available when funding permits. Call (812) 425-4241 to be certain that needed items are available.
Energy Assistance
Provides assistance with payment of gas, electric and fuel bills. This program normally runs from October through March.
Family Engagement
Assists Head Start families and the community with computer and tutorial services to improve reading and math skills, prepare for Indiana High School Equivalency exams, etc.
Foreclosure Mitigation
Assists homeowners in jeopardy of foreclosure; individual counseling & working with lenders/mortgage companies on a positive outcome for all.
Foster Grandparent Program
Places retired seniors, age 55 and older, to work one-to-one with individual children who have special needs in Vanderburgh, Gibson and Posey Counties.
Gibson County Clothing Bank
Provides gently used clothing. Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00am until 4:00pm. No appointment necessary.
Head Start
Provides educational and development services to low income families with children ages 3-5. Services include nutritional, dental and visual assistance; mental health and support services for children with disabilities. Parent participation is strongly encouraged.
Homeownership Education / Financial Literacy
Certified Housing Counselors provide home ownership and financial literacy counseling, credit repair/ establishment training.
Housing Development Services
CAPE serves as a CHDO (Community Housing Development Organization) providing affordable housing for low to moderate income families in Vanderburgh, Gibson and Posey Counties.
Individual Development Account (IDA)
Provides income-eligible individuals with a 3-to-1 match for savings to purchase a home, start a business, or attend post-secondary school / training.
Lead Risk Assessments / Lead Paint Inspections
Provides pre-construction/rehab Lead Paint Risk/Hazards Assessments.
Minority Health Initiative
Focuses on “eliminating health disparities” and enhancing the quality of life through education, advocacy, and quality healthcare services.
Multifamily Housing Developments
Assist households with providing affordable rental apartment style units.
New Construction Homeownership
Assists in providing a safe, decent and affordable new construction homes for first time homebuyers.
Owner Occupied Rehab (OOR)
This program assists a customer to receive repair and services on the home using OOR funds.
Rental Assistance
Effective July 29, 2022, the Indiana Emergency Rental Assistance (IERA) program has paused accepting applications to analyze and determine the amount of funds available to assist new households.
Go to to be notified if the portal reopens for new applications.
Rental Single Family Developments (Homes of Oakland City)
Assist households with providing affordable rental apartment style units.
Summer Cooling
Summer Cooling program may provide fans for income eligible families through the summer months.
The Transportation program provides services for Head Start, as well as contract services. Call (812) 452-3112 for more information.
The Weatherization program helps insulate homes to lower heating and cooling bills. May be available to income eligible households.