CAPE COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program

  • Having trouble paying your rent?
  • Laid-off & receiving or have
    received unemployment benefits?
  • Are you currently delinquent or in jeopardy of delinquency?
  • Employer reduced work hours
    due to COVID-19?
  • Have you tested positive with COVID-19 and unable to work, without paid time off?
  • Have out of pocket medical bills due to
    COVID-19 illness?
  • Death of financial contributing household member due to COVID-19 illness?

For more information, please contact:

Jason Rucker
(812) 492-3951

Important Note

If you live in Hamilton County or Marion County (Indianapolis), you should continue to apply to the programs serving those counties unless you and your landlord are participating in the Indiana Eviction Diversion Program.

Click here to access the rental assistance programs in Hamilton County and Marion County.

If you are currently receiving rental assistance or have applied and are waiting to see if you are eligible, please call or email customer service at (317) 800-6000 or

Still need help?

For counseling services including budgeting, addiction, housing, and family resources you can contact IN-CAA via

For legal counsel or assistance with eviction hearings, you can contact the Indiana Bar Foundation via

Residents who reside in Evansville, IN and the surrounding counties in Indiana should also try contacting your local Township Trustees, Evansville Christian Life Center, Catholic Charities, St. Vincent DePaul, Salvation Army and some of the local churches for possible assistance.